Lucas Script Consulting
“There are very few people who can tell you not only the symptoms of what's wrong with your script, but the underlying causes. Sometimes it's not that a scene is slow, it's that a character wasn't set up properly forty pages earlier. Victoria Lucas is one of those rare development people who understand how scripts really work, and can show you how to make yours structurally better. I treasure her insights. You will too.”
Alex Epstein
Author, “Crafty Screenwriting” and “Crafty TV Writing”
Co-creator, “Naked Josh” (Oxygen / Showcase)Screenwriter, “Bon Cop / Bad Cop”
“After 20 years of directing film, Victoria Lucas has given me the best analysis of how to progress and improve a script. She can take a story from concept to a production draft with most inspiring insights, and eloquent instructions for the creative team. Victoria is one of a kind. Both expert in her field and a great collaborator.”
Nadia Tass
Cascade Films
“Victoria's expertise as a development executive is not only an invaluable tool when it comes to script consulting, but with production as well. She helped me take a project already through principal photography and, after watching the rough cut, was able to map out what issues we needed to tackle and resolve that would fit with the four days we had available to reshoot. You can't get that quality of feedback from anyone who hasn't “been there, done that."
Justin Krienbrink, producer/director/writer
“I've had the opportunity of working with Victoria Lucas on several feature scripts in various stages of development. Victoria has a way of working with you -- showing you the problems with the characters and story -- and through her own creative genius helps you solve these problems. Her upbeat attitude keeps you going. She's the best!"
Kathy Hudson
JaTrac Productions
Writer/Producer “Nursie”, “Club Spirits”
"Victoria Lucas is a godsend, especially for the novice screenwriter. You think you have your script polished and ready? I can guarantee she'll challenge you to find better ways of tightening your plot and strengthening your characters. She has an incredible gift for giving well-balanced and encouraging evaluations that don't leave you feeling in despair about your talents as a writer. Her well considered responses offer both excitement and hope. You can't go wrong with Victoria!"
Deni Carson, screenwriter
"I want to thank Victoria Lucas for her invaluable mentoring, borne of her inside knowledge of the industry and of her affirming and nurturing approach to coaching. My experience working with this 'screenwriting fairy godmother' has given me enough confidence to pitch my first script to an Academy Award winning producer and to have faith in my creative ability."
Diana Eiranova, screenwriter, journalist, activist
“Victoria Lucas is a treasure. Her perceptions are clarifying, her comments illuminating. The way she enters into the particulars of a story and its characters honors each writer's vision. Direct and unfalteringly frank as she is, Victoria still manages to hearten and inspire her clients. All this was my experience, at least. I am immensely grateful for the careful attention Victoria gave to my work and for the nuance, sophistication and practicality of her feedback. I highly recommend her to all screenwriters for whom a set of extremely practiced and knowledgeable eyes would be valuable, in other words, to all screenwriters.”
Lael Gold, Ph.D.
“Victoria reads all the words – a real rarity in the movie biz. She loves writers – good, bad and ugly. Victoria has nudged me when I’ve given up – scolded me when I lost the tone of a piece and always insisted the screenplay be the one I wanted write. “You will have to write the one THEY want when they buy your script, but until then it’s yours – write the one you want - in your own voice.” A working writer, a novice or anywhere in between, Victoria will make you a better writer.”
David O’Hara
Peabody Nevada Films
"In 20 years of working with development executives, there is only one other executive who I would compare with Victoria Lucas -- the legendary Frances Doel, who did development for Roger Corman. Victoria's notes not only find the problems, but point out the possibilities not pushed. When you use her notes for your next draft, you're certain to have a better screenplay. As an old agent once told me, "you only get one read" when it comes to getting your project picked up. You want to be sure you've used Victoria's notes before you get that read."
Thomas McKelvey Cleaver, screenwriter
"It was an immense luxury to have Victoria Lucas’ expert and undivided attention on my first feature screenplay and yet her fees are astoundingly reasonable. I asked her to read my screenplay three times at different stages of my process and she talked through her extensive and constructive notes with me personally, enabling me to really go much deeper in my own writing process. I intend to use Victoria’s professional, but infinitely warm and personable, assistance in writing my next screenplay and the next and the next!"
Cheri Newton, writer
"Victoria Lucas is the godmother editor we all undoubtedly deserve. She can appreciate extravagant writing and calmly plead with you to ax it if it loses dramatic momentum. She likes and dislikes your characters and will tell you why and whether they might lose the audience. She thinks and rethinks her comments. She knows what not to say. She finds a way to package her communication so you can hear her. The result is no ego, no distractions between you, no who is right and who wrong. The result is focus on the task at hand with an able collaborator."
Simon Sobo MD, writer
“Getting the best out of your screenplay is a refreshing cinematic journey with Victoria during which you just know that your script is reaching industry standards and that you can, with confidence, drop it on the desk of any top agent, director or studio. After that, as they say, it’s in the hands of the Gods.”
Joe Barrett, screenwriter and Author